
Oh my goodness, I'd never expected it to happen to any of my friends or my boyfriend. Sang was upset sooooo bad this morning because, in his car, the detector and CD player are gone. Moreover, the driver-side door is totally messed up so that nobody can open the door with the key. The knob of the door is pulled out of the car surface and shaped unusual, which obviously shows it's got robbed. Now, he has to go around to the passenger-side door, get in the car, and move to the driver-side. To be worse, the windows are also out of order for some reason.

He went to a body shop with me (coz he needs a ride to go home). He was told that he needs to pay about $1,100 to replace the door, only a DOOR! Geez, I know he already losses about $200 due to the stolen CD player and detector. Poor guy..

Sherry sent me a text message telling me that they were watching NBA game! I wish I were with them in Phoenix to have good meals, meet Maureen, watch the game, and have fun. Still stuck with Nutrition Textbook for coming exam on Friday. Even though PS2 and PSP are provided for me to kill time, I cannot play any of them. damn .. I'm bored! (oops, I'm not! Apolo and Athene are here with me. good babies).